Wednesday, October 27, 2010

kitty magnet

there are so many cats that hang by the house. we get home and a black cat is on the back porch. this morning there was an orange striped one on the kitchen steps. we have also seen a black and white one, a grey one, a grey and white one...can they smell vegas? is that why he's so happy? living like a king in a castle? who knows...looking at the matted spots in the bushes, a few have found some comfy spots and are seeking shelter from the recent storms on our porches. they do not seem underfed so they are likely neighborhood kitties or there is a mouse population being nicely controlled. bryan says that when it gets colder i need to honk the car horn to scare off any cats that may have fallen asleep in the warm wheel wells. ick. even with the gruesome image, i will need a constant reminder.

p.s. i was going to name this post "pussy galore" but self-edited...

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